2011년 10월 9일 일요일

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Thirty seconds a year meant 2.5 seconds a month; 2.5 seconds a month was 0.65 seconds
a week and 0.65 seconds a week was 0.08 seconds a day.That means, if he
did two training sessions a day, Adrian only had to improve his speed each time
by one four hundredth of a second to become Olympic Champion.Adrian Moorhouse winning the Olympic
Gold MedalIt's easy when you look at it like that (or is it?)Moorhouse's point is
that, as his experienced proved, little improvements accumulate into big ones, in business as in
sport.The power and clarity of his speech is still with me today.Can you use Adrian's
approach and break down your goals / targets into daily ones?Which sporting hero have you
seen give a motivational speech?Visit http://www.greatmanagement.org/ to get your FREE "Deliver A Dazzling Presentation" tn course
now!You can also grab the FREE course "Discover How to Maximize Your Income and Minimize
Your Effort" at the same time - all at http://www.greatmanagement.org/Over 4,000 have used the free
courses and gone on to become confident superstars. How he set goals and objectives, how
he worked in a team.Of course, Sir Steve Redgrave is not the only sporting hero
to pass on his brand of motivational expertise to businesses.Many bolster their pensions by offering
their advice to sales teams and management groups.Of the several I have seen, the one
which sticks out, is by Olympic gold medal swimmer Adrian Moorhouse. Only recently, I had
the privilege of seeing Sir Steve Redgrave give a motivational speech on his career and
how he handled the successes and knock-backs. Adrian Moorhouse knew from an early Nike Requin age what
he wanted from life. I was a bit of a `Billy No-mates' because all I
spent all my time in the pool."It took me four or five months to get
over the hurt of missing out but the failure made me tougher."Moorhouse explained how he
set about winning his medal in the Seoul Olympics of 1988. "Ever since I was
a kid all I wanted to win was an Olympic medal."Swimming was my life. It
was a reward for many years of sacrifice and pain.As a 16-year-old Moorhouse had just
missed out on selection for Moscow in 1980 and in 1984 he went to Los
Angeles as Commonwealth and European champion and suffered his biggest disappointment when he came in
fourth.Devastated"I was absolutely devastated," he said. After failing at the previous games in Los Angeles,
he was determined to win the next time around.To do so, Adrian realised he would
need to break the world record, which was then 2 minutes faster then his personal
best.It seemed an impossible task: who could improve by 2 minutes. But Adrian worked out
that to speed up by that amount, he needed to reduce his time by 30
seconds each year. Each is about teamwork, graft, discipline and success. From the moment he
saw David Wilkie take gold for Britain in the 1976 Olympics of Montreal, he wanted
one too. And each can learn from each other by sharing knowledge of how best
to get to the top.In sports, motivation is important.In business, motivation is important.I have often
seen ex-sports personalities give after dinner motivational speeches. Sign up free..
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