2011년 10월 21일 금요일

Any activity where you have to get out and

Any activity where you have to get out and about will be beneficial.Active video games are also a way to get them up and moving about. It is a great way to be active and a way for them to develop new friends at the same time.Family fun days are another way to get your child active. The Wii has many active programs that the entire family can participate in and have fun.My last little tip addresses the topic of more advanced fitness or sport specific training. TN Requin pas cher,I know kids are bombarded with all kinds of information and they will grow up to make their own choices, but parental modeling makes a significant impact on these choices.Sports...most kids love some kind of sport. I am also not a proponent of focusing on only one sport, especially at the younger ages (under 16 yrs.). Parents need to lead by example in all areas of health. This activity should include moderate to vigorous aerobic activity as well as muscle & bone strengthening.Now ask yourself this question....is your child getting 60 minutes daily? I know it can be difficult, especially with vigorous activities but I think there a lot of options for staying active.Forming good habits at a young age I believe is a great way to start. Higher skill development needs a strong fundamental base and this is one way to help with that. Sometimes they even lack these patterns or are delayed in developing them (which is another topic for later), so other sports can help in this physical development. If you are really interested in making sure your child has some sort of competitive advantage in one sport, then that is when I recommend personal coaching/training. I think this also comes from being a good role model. This applies to anyone that may have a child, grandchild, niece or nephew, or any type of relationship with child.The U. Family bike rides, a day at the zoo, or hiking are always fun. He utilizes Nike Blaze Femme 18 years of experience in rehabilitation & fitness to enhance the performance of golfers. There are many components to consider when teaching, and maintaining health in our children. The physical and emotional benefits of participating in other activities are huge, and could really help with the primary sport. I know it is often times hard to pull them away from the video games, so get the games that require them to get off the couch. Department of Health and Human Services through its 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, advocates 60 minutes or more of physical activity daily for children and adolescents. I am familiar with the higher level travel teams and the long seasons for some sports but kids need to rest and be engaged in other activities. Are they getting what they need? Are they eating healthy? Let's do our part in helping the children.Mark Tolle is President of FIT-TO-PERFORM, LLC AND Golf Fitness Chicago. You can visit my blog for additional information on this topic.So let's take a little time away from our daily activities this month and focus on our children's health and fitness. Health and Chaussures LV fitness is my passion, so here are a few of my thoughts on this topic.First off, I think most of us realize the growing epidemic of overweight and obese children that is staring us in the face here in the U.S. I've recently discovered that October is Children's Health Month, and as a health professional and parent of 2 young girls I think we all need to think a little about the importance of this topic. Safety around the home and on the playground is certainly important factors along with teaching a healthy lifestyle and good fitness habits. This is a big problem, and I think we should all take on some form of responsibility for this. Children need to build upon fundamental movement patterns they developed in the first several years of their lives. There is something for everyone. S. This can apply to all aspects of health, from limiting the amount of time you sit and watch television, to being active and developing good eating habits. If your child is not part of a local sports team then try and get them involved. If you happen to have a child that is very heavily involved in several sports or one particular sport, I am sure you have some questions.First I am of the opinion that you let your child play various sports but limit that to one per season. For more information on how you can improve your golf game or sign up for a free consultation visit http://www.chicagogolftrainer.com.

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