2011년 10월 26일 수요일

appearance and also supports the breast

It turns out smoking is not only bad for your health (who knew) but it breaks down a protein in the skin called elastin. Of course, if you regularly perform high impact aerobic exercise without adequate support you may hasten the Cooper's droop effect.Lastly, consider the types of sports bras available. Elastin gives youthful skin its elastic appearance and also supports the breast.NIKE TN pas cher, So whether sprinting or jogging, breast tissue moves around if not properly supported. Of the three movements the breasts performs during exercise (bounce, side to side, in and out) compression only reduces one motion. For women, a good sports bra is as essential as a good pair of running shoes. Overtime, the ligaments can become distended leading to the unpleasant side effect called "Cooper's droop". There are essentially two kinds of jogging bras: compression and encapsulation. Compression is just what it says: the bra compresses or flattens the breasts. How is it possible to enjoy your workout otherwise? It isn't. As incredible as that may seem, women of any cup size can experience exercise-related pain due to stretching of the breast tissue.The breast tissue actually has ligaments otherwise known as Cooper's ligaments, that can become stretched not only causing breast pain but the breasts can sag or become elongated. Cooper's TN Requin Plating Homme ligaments are what give and make a woman's breast perky. Interestingly, the study concluded that pain is not linked to the size of the breasts since an A-cup woman can have as much difficulty as a woman with a double FF-cup size. Our breasts are just not designed to bounce around for periods of time and certainly not mile after mile.On average 50% of women experience pain in their breasts during exercise. The breasts simply have very limited natural support which is why a good jogging bra is so important.Additionally, there are three contributing factors to Cooper's droop:* a woman's age;* the number of pregnancies she's had; and* whether or not she smokes.While we cannot control our age the other two factors are within our control particularly smoking. Without adequate TN Requin Spider Hommesupport your jogs will be both uncomfortable and painful.A 2007 study found that a woman's breasts not only bounce, but move side to side and in and out while performing slow jogging or sprinting. Encapsulation, however, is more effective because it reduces two of the three elements of breast motion during exercise.So while breasts movement during jogging can be uncomfortable and painful it can be controlled through the use of a very good jogging bra.Elaine Bulawin http://www.jogging101.com.

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